Becky McMorrow
Marketing & Business Transformation
Würth Industry North America
Becky McMorrow is a sales and marketing professional in the technology and distribution industry with proven success working with global cross-functional teams to execute demand generation, eCommerce, and business development strategies that deliver online sales and customer growth.
Currently, McMorrow leads Marketing and the Business Transformation Office for Würth Industry North America (WINA), $1B. WINA is a strategically aligned collective of 14 companies located in North America and Brazil, consisting of more than 110 locations.
Formerly Head of Marketing for Newark Electronics division Premier Farnell. U.K. based Premier Farnell, $1.3B, McMorrow grew Newark customer count by 8% and drove online penetration up 15% through lead nurturing programs and effective marketing campaigns. She also started the Newark Women's RISE Group, part of the Avnet Women's RISE Group, to help support and promote women within the organization.
She has an undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin- Madison and a MBA from Loyola University Chicago with a concentration in Marketing.
Becky resides in Chicago, IL, with her husband and three children. She leads her daughter's Girl Scout Troop and enjoys spending time with friends and family.